Goal: Create an online zine for an interdisciplinary Brown/RISD collective, Discover. This collective seeks to blur boundaries between disciplines and encourage dialogue, creativity, and discussions across fields and institutions. The group hosts biweekly discussion series, exhibitions, and an annual conference.

This zine serves as a platform for students and members to share thoughts, projects, and events. For the zine, I used react to simultaneously filter on type of content, person the content is by, and sort by date. This way, the content is both searchable and friendly to browsing.

Here, you can live filter and sort on the zine content. I chose for the first filter's criteria to be type of event, under the thinking that users might be interested in projects, thoughts, or events only, depending on what they're looking for.

I chose for the second filter to be person, in case users have a favorite writer, artist, or researcher they want to follow more in depth. This way, users can also find events by their favorite people.

Thinking of how one may want to browse through zine content, I chose sorting by date as a way of ordering. I figured this would be useful for users looking for recent or upcoming events, users to catch up on the latest content, or users interested in looking at the zine's first contents without scrolling all the way to the bottom.

Finally, here, you can search by name and find specific content that way. All four of these organizational features can be used in conjunction to sort through and browse the content.